Attendance Policy
It is the parent’s responsibility to report each and every absence. Please call the school office before 8:00 am and provide the student’s name and grade level. Your call will be recorded on the answering machine (24 hours a day) or handled directly by office personnel. In order to obtain the best possible education, it is important that students attend class on a daily basis and arrive on time. Regular classroom participation is necessary to achieve the best possible learning situation for every student. This policy statement has been developed to encourage good attendance and to discourage tardiness. Our goal is to maximize every student’s opportunity to learn. Attendance is the responsibility of parents and students.
Excused Absences
- Illness: A doctor’s/parent note of reason for absence is required for your student’s attendance file.
- Medical appointments or treatments: Will require a doctor’s note for the student’s attendance file.
- Religious holidays: A parent note is required for the student’s attendance file
- Death: A parent note is required for the student’s attendance file.
- Personal or family emergency: A parent note is required for the student’s attendance file.
Unexcused Absences
- Family vacations.
- Non-Medical appointments.
- Babysitting.
- Absence for any other reason that does not meet the criteria of an excused absence.
- A student who is absent from school without notice.
Early Release
Parents are requested to schedule appointments after 3:15 p.m. to avoid the need for an early dismissal. If it becomes necessary for the student to be released from school for a doctor/dental appointment or other unavoidable emergencies, the following procedure should be followed:
- Parent/Guardian will need to send a handwritten note to school (or call the school) that states the student’s first and last name, date and time of release, and the reason for the early dismissal. The student is to bring this note to the office before school begins.
- All students must be signed out by a parent/guardian (or someone designated by the parent/guardian on the emergency card) in the office before leaving the building.
- The written note will be kept in the students attendance file.
- Three tardies is equal to 1 unexcused absence
- Three unexcused absences due to tardiness will result in a 7:00 am detention on the following school day.
- If tardiness continues suspension from school will be at the discretion of the administration.
Student’s Responsibilities
Administrator’s Responsibilities
- To review the attendance of students and to contact parent/guardian when a student has excessive absences.
- To take appropriate steps, to insure that students attend school in a timely manner on a regular basis.
- 5 (five) absences: Parents will be notified of days absent and reminded of the need for regular attendance by letter or telephone.
- 10 (ten) absences: A mandatory meeting with parents and principals will be held to develop an intervention plan regarding attendance. The intervention plan will be pro-active and problem solving in nature.
- 18 (eighteen) absences could result in retention (4.5 per quarter).