8-4-4 Transition

The transition classes 5,6,7 and 8 from the 8-4-4 system, the initial upper classes, in their 8 year discourse, sitting for the KCPE prior to join high school.

Classes 5,6,7 & 8

Transitional Classes

The 8-4-4 system that consists of 8 years of primary education, main purpose was to improve the development of self-expression, self-discipline and independence. Ending with the KCPE examination in year/class 8.With the progressive change in the education system to CBC, classes 5,6,7 and 8 are transitional classes.

With the progressive roll out of the CBC to grade 4, learners continue with class 5 to form 4 under the 8.4.4 curriculum. The learners sit for a national exam at the end of primary school- in class 8, and therefore join high school where they sit for another national exam after four years of study.

At Blue Bee, we complement the content rich 8.4.4 curriculum with our child centered approach; this means the learners stay in charge of their educational journeys and outcomes are activity/project based. 
